Find Duplicate Zip Files in OneDrive

OneDrive is an online cloud storage facility provided by Microsoft that enables users to access their data across multiple devices and from any location on the globe by simply entering the correct credentials. This means that the change in name, from SkyDrive to OneDrive, hasn’t had any impact on the service’s usefulness. Users can easily synchronize the data on their device to OneDrive servers as a means of backup.

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Visually Similar Photos in Windows 10 Grouped By File Resolution

The presence of duplicate files has always been a big pain in the neck among computer users. And the same holds true for similar images, images that bear a strikingly close resemblance to each other but aren’t identical enough to be categorized as duplicates. Both of these issues result in the user facing the same kind of consequences. The hard disk gets filled up with data that is of no use, the Internet bandwidth gets wasted for no good, there is a whole lot of clutter and organizing the data becomes a lot harder than before.

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