Recursively Rename All Files Inside Subfolders

If you have ever encountered a situation where you need to rename all files inside multiple subfolders, you may have probably wondered if there are better ways to quickly accomplish it without much hassle.

Manually renaming all the files could take a long time. It is not even an option if you’ve got hundreds of thousands of files that have to be renamed.

Manually renaming files can be difficult. Try Easy File Renamer to bulk rename files and folders on PC, Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive.

Get Easy File Renamer and Enjoy 10+ Renaming Rules

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How to Organise Photos on An External USB Drive?

Although nowadays Cloud drives are often used to move files around, no medium is still able to replace the role of USB drives. A USB drive is a small device with a storage unit that holds digital data and comes in different sizes and shapes. It can be plugged into any computer device and copy data to move around. The frequently used files on USB drives are photos, as many modern digital cameras have been compatible with the USB standard for many years now. Therefore, it’s very convenient to use a small USB drive to carry photos without worrying about internet connectivity. In addition, many individuals still don’t have a reliable, fast Internet connection to make the most of cloud storage. Therefore, USB is still the most reliable solution to move files around without any hassle. This article teaches how to organise photos on an external USB drive. So, it would be easy to locate files with ease.

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Aurora HDR Duplicate Photos

Developed by Skylum, Aurora HDR is an award winning photo editing software program powered by Artificial Intelligence. From color enhancements to brackets merging and from layering to masking, Aurora offers great batch processing features.

Although Aurora is a powerhouse when it comes to photo editing, there is one feature that it lacks: automatic detection of duplicate photos. While editing photos and experimenting with different features, users often end up generating a bunch of unnecessary duplicate files. These files hover around the users’ computers and do nothing but waste storage space or hamper the computer’s speed and performance.

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How to Speed Up and Optimize the Photo Backup Process

With the introduction of digital cameras and mobile phones, people have started capturing a lot of photos, mainly because it costs virtually nothing unlike the analogue camera era. Digital cameras make it very easy to back up photos to an external source so that space on the camera is freed up. This is why many people tend to take a large number of photos. 

Digital cameras and high-end phones produce photos that take a significant amount of space in the storage medium, these devices often run out of space. This article teaches how to optimize such photos and zoom through the process of moving them to a different medium with ease.

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