Duplicate Photos in Illustrator and Photos Organization

Adobe Illustrator is considered a gold standard for creating vector-graphics designs and illustrations. It has been used by artists, graphics designing professionals, businesses around the world to create professional-looking event pamphlets, posters, icons, brand & organizational logos, magazine and newspaper advertisements, typography, t-shirt designs and other creative works.

The first version of Adobe Illustrator was released in 1987. Any artwork created using Illustrator can further be exported and processed using Adobe family products such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Adobe AfterEffects.

With your subscription to Adobe Illustrator, you get free access to the CreativeCloud, a cloud storage platform to store your artwork, digital assets, graphics, colors, brushes, character styles, and other objects. CreativeCloud makes it incredibly easy to share your digital assets among your different projects, Adobe products and team members with just a few clicks.

Deleting Duplicate Photos in Illustrator

While working with Adobe Illustrator, a lot of photos may be stored on different devices such as personal and work computers. Year after year, your photos and digital assets tend to pile up. A lot of identical copies of the same photos and assets get accumulated in your Illustrator collection, making it difficult to identify the original and duplicate versions.

Even if you try to find and delete duplicate photos, you will still be left with many more hundreds to deal with. Thankfully, there is an easy way to fix duplicate photos in Illustrator. Using a specialized software PictureEcho, you can get rid of dupes safely and securely.

Here’s how:

  1. Download and install PictureEcho.
  2. Click on the System Scan tab.
  3. Click on Add Path.
  4. Choose Exact Match to find photos that are 100% identical in nature. Choose Similar Match to find nearly-identical photos. To free-up maximum storage, select the Similar Match option.
  5. Click on Start Search.
  6. Once your duplicates list has been compiled, click on the Select Duplicates button.
  7. Choose one of the following selection criterias:
    • Retain the smallest image in each group
    • Retain the biggest image in each group
    • Retain the lowest resolution image in each group
    • Retain the highest resolution image in each group
    • Retain the newest image in each group
    • Retain the oldest image in each group
    • Select by image locations
    • Unselect all
  1. Now, click on Select Action and choose the Delete option.

Organizing Photos in Adobe Illustrator

1. Store Photos in an Organized Folder Structure

One neat tip in this case is to organize the photos into a well-organized folder structure. Move all photos from a given year and month into appropriate directory structure. For example: Start with the top-most folder with the year 2022, followed by different folders such as (Jan, Feb, March, etc). Storing files in this manner helps find photos with ease.

The good thing: You can do this easily using the same tool PictureEcho you have already downloaded before.

  1. Open PictureEcho.
  2. Set the Scan Mode to Image Organizer.
  3. Click on Add Path and choose a folder containing your image files.
  4. In the Organize by drop-down box, choose whether you want to organize your photos by Date Created or Date Modified.
  5. Choose a Date format.
  6. In the Organize as drop-down box, select a criteria to organize your photos.
  7. If you also want to copy photos while organizing them, select the Copy images to organize folders option. Select the Move images to organize folders option if you want to move them instead.
  8. Click on Browse and select a destination folder where you want to place the organized photos.
  9. Click on the Organize Images button to proceed.

2. Use Descriptive Image Names

Name your photos with descriptive names. Avoid long, complex names with random alphabets and numbers. Instead, write short and descriptive file names.

3. Backup Photos Regularly

Backup your photos regularly, at least once in a month. You can backup your photos to an external hard disk or a cloud storage platform to ensure you don’t lose them due to accidental data loss.

There are multiple types of backup. For example- Full Backup, Incremental Backup and Differential Backup. While full backup will occupy larger space and take more time, the incremental and differential backups take lesser space and are considerably faster.


Vikas is a technology enthusiast who loves writing articles on computers and technology. He writes on various topics related to software, software reviews, troubleshooting and tips & tricks to make people's digital lives better.